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Cinema for Peace Foundation

Berlin, Deutschland
0,69 €
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Wir über uns

Since after 9/11 the non-profit organization Cinema for Peace has been aiming to influence through films the perception and resolution of global social, political and humanitarian challenges of our time. In recent years, Cinema for Peace has supported a number of important causes with help of artists like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman and personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Muhammad Ali, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev and the former Honorary Patron Nelson Mandela.

“Let me applaud Cinema for Peace. Every time you and our friends from the creative community reach out to help people to learn about human rights and justice, you help
the UN to keep the peace.” - Ban Ki-moon

Cinema for Peace Foundation Projects:

Cinema for Refugees

In response to the ever-worsening plight endured by children living in refugee camps, the Cinema for Peace Foundation has launched Cinema for Refugees. This initiative involves using the medium of film to provide psychological relief, entertainment and escapism to children living in refugee camps in places such as Syria, Jordan and Turkey. This project endeavored to bring public attention to the urgent matter of 'Education in Emergencies‘ and to offers a few moments of psychological relief to the children.

Themba – Aids prevention work in Africa

Working with schools and organizations across East Africa, Cinema for Peace has set up a tour of the remarkable film “Themba: A Boy Called Hope” on the occasion of the 21st International AIDS Conference, spanning one week and three countries: Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. More than 6.000 students will be reached in 20 screenings and our local partners will support the event with workshops on HIV/AIDS and how to overcome the predominant prejudice infected people have to face.

Films against far right

Due to the dramatic increase of violence against refugees and their supporters in Germany, Cinema for Peace Foundation has launched the film screening series ‘Film against far right’. From Bautzen to Stuttgart and other cities in Germany, Cinema for Peace has screened films addressing the phenomenon of the far right (or extreme right movements) and the violence towards the refugees. With great resonance on the supporting NGOs and the audience, many prejudices have been abandoned and motivations on helping and donating have been revived. The next screenings will take place in Berlin-Lichtenberg, Jena and Erfurt.

Unsere Projekte

Cinema for Refugees

Träger : Cinema for Peace Foundation
Berlin, DE
0% finanziert


Jane O'Brien

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