Wir über uns
Our association offers a support program for the Fight against Poverty for the Emergence and Restoration of Sustainable Development (or in french Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable) in acronym PALPER asbl-RDC. We are a non-profit association working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Province of North Kivu.
It is recognized by Congolese law and endowed with legal personality N ° JUST. / SG /20/1170/2018, Provincial Operating Authorization and has a Certificate of Justice Registration N °: JUST./112 / 420 / NK / 2019 and also a Certificate of Social Affairs Registration N °: 08 / DIVAS / NK / AS / 082/2019,
Registration Certificate Plan N °: 699 / DPP / NK / 2019, Notarial Statutes, Regulations internal order.
Our activities are implemented through the following business sectors:
EDUCATION, HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, WASH, PROTECTION, NFI, ENVERONMENT, MICROFINANCE, RESEARCH, In the but increase further the living conditions of the population in difficult situation and disasters.
We come to your benevolence and international solidarity, to request your support so that together we can reduce the vulnerability of the population in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Province of North Kivu, according to the areas of intervention.
Our Facebook page is: Palper Asbl or
Thank you for help!
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