M.E.E.R. e.V.

Wir über uns
The purpose of the non-profit association is the promotion of environmental conservation, science and education, especially the protection of the cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and their marine habitats as well as cetacean research off La Gomera (Canary Islands). The award–winning project M.E.E.R. La Gomera started in 1997. In 1998, the association itself was founded. With our work we want to contribute to the public awareness about the need for conservation of the oceans and its inhabitants, as well as fostering behavioural changes in humans so as to achieve better protection of the seas. Our central missions are: · Research on dolphins and whales off La Gomera and humans impacts on them · Development of conservation concepts as a basis for action for decision makers · Raising public awareness of the threats of marine mammals · Development of strategies for effective marine conservation
Unsere Projekte
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