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Kasese Young Single Mothers Association

Kyarumba, Uganda
0,00 €
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Wir über uns

Kasese Young Single Mothers Association (KIYOSIMA) is a grassroots women led organization with a membership of 20 that works to help uplift young single mothers and vulnerable girls from conditions of deprivation and dehumanization in Kasese municipality and other parts of Kasese district in western Uganda.
The organization was begun in 2009 by 5 young single mothers in Kasese town in a meeting in May of the same year when the young mothers contemplated their plight and resolved to join hands by forming a cooperative group to help solve some of their problems.
Our efforts aim to promote income generation schemes for self sufficiency for single mothers, disadvantaged girls and widows and other vulnerable groups, mitigation of health risks and capacity building. We further envision vocational and digital skills training opportunities for empowerment, investment in micro enterprise, promotion of agriculture for hunger relief, protection of the environment to save Mother Nature etc.
To our portfolio, we have added human rights, education and learning in its broadest sense and child care programs.
At the moment, we are interested in support to improve the menstrual hygiene of adolescent girls so that they can confidently continue with their studies through the provision of;
-sanitary pads
We are presently working with about 500 adolescent girls attending primary and secondary schools in Kasese municipality, western Uganda.
A monetary donation of anywhere around EUR 8,000 can do a very good job. Kindly help keep these girls in school.


Dorothy Mbambu

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